Do you know there is something called as Mango Shower?

Mango Showers – Summer Rains!

Summer has hit India and its steaming hot in most parts of the Country. Last few days have seen some showers in Hyderabad and you might be wondering what these showers are. They are the mango showers.

Yes, the showers which gives you mangoes.

After the rains in last few days, you will see ripened mangoes appearing all over the place in next few days. These are the showers responsible for the growth of Mangoes. Mango Showers or mango rains are those which occur before pre-monsoon rainfall in the months of April thus are also called as Summer showers. The Mango fruit is mostly grown in the tropical climate which is why Mango Showers are seen in the parts of South and Southeast Asia, including India and Cambodia. In India the Mango showers are in full flow since last one week and are seen in the parts of the country. Normally these rains are to be seen in the coastal cities like Vishakhapatnam, Cuttack, Mumbai and others. Because these are the rains that help the Mangoes to grow quick they are called as Mango Showers. Only sad thing is that none can predict the Mango Showers.

Great, but why should it rain at the first place in the months of the April?

Answer is Simple – India is a tropical climatic conditions country and it is a peninsular. India is also one of the few countries which has got the chance of rain in almost every month. When you are peninsular country you are surrounded with water from three sides. Rain as we know happens only in the monsoon season in India. But the story is different in Summer, the reason for the rains in Summer is because of the winds coming from multiple directions.

How does it happen?

Till Mid-march the land surface of Indian peninsula doesn’t heat up much. So, land has lower temperature and sea has higher temperature and winds blow from land to sea. But after mid-march land starts heating up faster rising the temperature and suddenly sea appears cooler than land. So, wind blows from sea to land. This wind from sea has moisture and when it meets dry winds on lands they give rise to hailstorms and mango showers locally.

Mango showers to a limit is okay but not the ones that happened in Vontimitta near Kadapa few days ago that brought destruction and killed people. Such showers damage the same mango crop that they are supposed to bless mangoes with. We had enough mango showers this year. Looking at the weather conditions prevailing in the country it is predicted that these rains will last for one more week. Let’s hope that these rains end soon!!

So now that you know how Mangoes crop up, let’s see how Mangoes will taste this summer!

Published by Sriram

A Teacher trying to Learn new things and explore the world each day! Believe in Happiness by the virtue of sacrifice and forgiveness.

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